Better People

"Better People", a surreal comedy about genetic engineering was George and Karen's second collaboration, produced in 1990 at Theater for the New City, with a generous grant from the The Dietrich Foundation; published in Angels of Power, edited by Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein (Spinifex, 1991). Photos: Dr Edward Chreode is one of the geneticists working in the labs of Dr. Philbert Wallace in the race to map the human genome. A rare beast walks into Chreode's lab, speaking one word: "Rendezvous". She declines the offer to have her eggs harvested so that Chreode can clone some off-spring and after dancing with the scientist, she swallows him. He emerges an ecologist. George Bartenieff as Edward Chreode, Beast design by Basil Twist. Lights by Carol Mullins, Set by Victoria Petrovich. Written and directed by Karen Malpede. Photos: Beatriz Schiller.