The four plays...

with essays on the work by Marvin Carlson, Christen Clifford, Rebecca Gordon, Karen Malpede, Cindy Rosenthal, Najla Said, Alexander Schlutz; photographs by Ari Mintz & Beatriz Schiller

"Karen Malpede writes with insight and precision about the nexus of violence and sexuality and war and identity. Her characters are strong and fascinating, her contexts brilliant and horrifying, and her tone always warm and in the end loving."Andrew Solomon, PEN America President, author

To purchase the book click here.

Panelists ( l to r) Kathleen Chalfant, George Bartenieff, Karen Malpede, Alexander Schlutz, Marvin Carlson, Cindy Rosenthal, moderator, Frank Hentschker. (photos by Jonathan Slaff)

Karen Malpede

Karen Malpede

Caitlin Cassidy and Kathleen Chalfant

Caitlin Cassidy and Kathleen Chalfant

George Bartenieff and Christen Clifford

George Bartenieff and Christen Clifford

Kathleen Chalfant

Monday, December 11 Segal Theatre 4:30pm Reading + 6:30pm Panel Celebrating the launch of Karen Malpede's new book, Plays in Time, honoring twenty-two years of Theater Three Collaborative. The afternoon featured the premiere public reading of Malpede's new play, Other than We-a futuristic Climate-Fiction tragi-comedy for the Anthropocene age.