Eve Silber Closing Reception in honor of Father Paul Mayer
This Festival of Conscience will have Eve Silber performing songs at a closing reception in honor of the memory of Father Paul Mayer, climate activist.
This Festival of Conscience will have Eve Silber performing songs at a closing reception in honor of the memory of Father Paul Mayer, climate activist.
Prof. Dale Jamieson, Environmental Studies and Philosophy, NYU, author of Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle to Stop Climate Change Failed--And What It Means For Our Future
Dale Jamieson is Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, Affiliated Professor of Law, and Director of the Animal Studies Initiative. He is also Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College, London, and Adjunct Professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia. During the academic year 2013-14 he is a member of the School of Social Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Formerly he was Henry R. Luce Professor in Human Dimensions of Global Change at Carleton College, and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where he was the only faculty member to have won both the Dean's award for research in the social sciences and the Chancellor's award for research in the humanities. He has held visiting appointments at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Cornell, Princeton, Stanford, Oregon, Arizona State University, and Monash University in Australia.
Festival of Conscience with Charles Komanoff, Carbon Tax Center.
Economist and policy-analyst Charles Komanoff co-founded the Carbon Tax Center in 2007. His work includes books (Power Plant Cost Escalation, Killed By Automobile, The Bicycle Blueprint), computer models, scholarly articles, and journalism. Charles is also an organizer with the NYC pedestrian-rights collective Right Of Way, and president emeritus and “re-founder” of the bicycling advocacy organization Transportation Alternatives. An honors graduate of Harvard, Charles lives with his wife and two teenage sons in lower Manhattan.
Ana is an Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management. She was most recently the Director of the Energy and Environment Program at the Regional Plan Association where she oversaw a diverse portfolio of issues ranging from climate change to greenspace preservation across the New York metropolitan region. Prior to RPA, Ana was the Director of Environmental and Planning programs for the Ironbound Community Corporation for over seven years. At ICC she oversaw a wide range of environmental justice, community development and community based planning and research projects in her native Ironbound community in Newark, New Jersey. Ana grew up in the Ironbound where she was part of the environmental justice struggles that later shaped her professional and academic interests. Ana completed her Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey where she studied state level environmental justice policy implementation across the country. Prior to her doctoral research Ana was a Senior Environmental Planner for the State of Rhode Island’ Department of Environmental Management and she also served as a legislative liaison to Senator John Chafee. She received her Master’s degree from Brown University in Environmental Studies and has an undergraduate degree in Environmental & Evolutionary Biology as well as Environmental Studies from Dartmouth College. Ana was a 2013 Gustav Heningburg Civic Fellow. She is a National Environmental Leadership Fellow, a member of the Coalition for Healthy Ports and a steering committee member of the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance. She brings to the New School community a passion for social justice and community driven change. Ana served as an adjunct faculty with The New School’s Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy from 2009 to 2014 and now serves as a full-time faculty member.
Also you can find the report Ana contributed to on Climate impacts to EJ communities that was part of the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance's recent report online at http://njadapt.rutgers.edu/resources/njcaa-reports
This Festival of Conscience features Ken Levenson, President of NY Passive House. Passive House is an affordable method of design and construction that results in unsurpassed thermal comfort, indoor air quality and resilience, while reducing heating and cooling energy demand by up to 90% - meant to aggressively address the climate crisis. Ken has been a registered architect in New York State since 1993 and is a Certified Passive House Designer, a founding board member of The North American Passive House Network and of New York Passive House. In 2011 Ken was a co-founder of 475 High Performance Building Supply, a company dedicated to leading the transformation of the US construction industry toward producing low-energy buildings. Ken regularly lectures on the Passive House standard and building science.
For more information check out http://nypassivehouse.org/
Jannette M. Barth, Ph.D., is an economist who has lectured, written and testified extensively on hydraulic fracturing and in particular, the economic impacts of shale gas development. She is the author of a peer-reviewed article on this subject in the journal, New Solutions. In addition, she is a co-author of the Energy Policy article, “Examining the feasibility of converting New York State’s all-purpose energy infrastructure to one using wind, water, and sunlight.” For over 35 years, Dr. Barth has conducted economic analysis and estimated regional and local economic impacts in the United States and the United Kingdom. As an example of her work, Dr. Barth was retained to estimate economic impacts of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Dr. Barth is Managing Director of Pepacton Institute LLC, a research and consulting organization. Formerly, Dr. Barth was Chief Economist of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Dr. Barth has also taught economics at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. She serves as a Director at Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy and at Renewable New York. Dr. Barth holds a BA in Political Economy from Johns Hopkins University. Her M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics are from the University of Maryland. Selected writings, lectures and appearances can be found at www.catskillcitizens.org/barth.
Marielle Anzelone is an urban ecologist whose experience centers on people’s daily connections with nearby nature and the role that design, education, and government can play in fostering this relationship. She is the Founder and Executive Director of NYC Wildflower Week – an organization that produces cultural and educational programming to engage the public with the wilds of the Big Apple.
Prof. Gerald Markowitz, John Jay College, on industry’s relationship to science.
Jaimie P. Cloud is the founder and president of the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education in New York City. The Cloud Institute is dedicated to the vital role of education in creating awareness, fostering commitment, and guiding actions toward a healthy, secure and sustainable future for ourselves and for future generations. We monitor the evolving thinking and skills of the most important champions of sustainability, and transform them into educational materials and a pedagogical system that inspire young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and their ability to influence it in an entirely new way. Cloud is a pioneer of Education for Sustainability (EfS) in the U.S. She writes and publishes extensively, and consults, coaches and teaches in schools and school districts around the country and in other parts of the world. She has developed exemplary curriculum units and full courses of study, and has produced an EfS framework and a set of EfS Standards and Performance Indicators that schools are using to design and innovate their own curricula to educate for sustainability.
Griffin Cloud Levine, high school student, sustainability activist, urban gardener and Co-leader, New York 2 New Orleans Coalition (NY2NO) is a youth-led, consensus-based organization made to create a network of young people who are interested in organizing and mobilizing across New York City. NY2NO works in solidarity with those most affected by the social, racial, and economic inequalities. Through this, the youth breaks down barriers and works together to combat racism and classism and move towards an egalitarian society.
David is the co-founder and CEO of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), a growing coalition of business organizations and companies committed to advancing a new vision, framework and policies that support a vibrant, equitable and sustainable economy.
Today, the organizations that have joined in this partnership represent over 200,000 businesses and social enterprises and more than 350,000 entrepreneurs, owners, executives, investors and business professionals. From addressing climate change to advocating for a strong democracy, against Citizens United, fair tax system, workplace issues to safer chemicals, ASBC is raising up the voice, presence and power of business to build a sustainable US economy.
American Sustainable Business Council: www.asbcouncil.org
ASBC small business polling on climate: http://asbcouncil.org/news/new-asbc-poll-finds-business-support-climate-rules
Business Action Opportunities on Climate: http://asbcouncil.org/action-center/campaigns#
Prof. Andrew Revkin of Pace University, joins us for this Festival of Conscience with Climate Music.
Best known for his 30 years of award-winning science and environmental journalism and books, Andy Revkin has also long been a performing songwriter and was a frequent accompanist for Pete Seeger for 20 years. His first album, “A Very Fine Line,” features a duet with Dar Williams and has been hailed by folk-music critic Brian Robbins as "a tasty mix of roots goulash."
Opening Night with climate prophet Dr. James Hansen, NASA scientist, who told Congress in 1988 that global warming had begun.
This Festival of Conscince will feature Dr. Jennifer Francis, Rutgers, author of the cutting-edge theory of Arctic Ice Melt and Extreme Weather.
Click Here to purchase tickets.
Benefit sponsor - ClimateMama
Dr. Radley Horton, Columbia University and co-author of the Obama Administration’s Climate Assessment Report.
Dr. Radley Horton is an Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Climate Systems Research at Columbia University. Radley is a Convening Lead Author for the Third National Climate Assessment, Northeast Chapter. He is also Deputy Lead for NASA’s Climate Adaptation Science Investigator Working Group, charged with linking NASA’s science to its institutional stewardship. He served as the Climate Science Lead for the New York City Panel on Climate Change, and is a a Co-Lead for the NOAA-funded Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast. Radley is also the Columbia University lead for the Department of Interior-funded Northeast Climate Science Center.
Radley has also been a Co-leader in the development of a global research agenda in support of the United Nations Environmental Program’s Programme on Vulnerability, Impacts, and Adaptation (PROVIA) initiative. Radley is also a PI on an NSF funded Climate Change Education Partnership Project. Radley also teaches in Columbia University’s Sustainable Development department.
Massimo LoBuglio, Entrepreneur
Massimo LoBuglio co-owns the Little Cupcake Bakeshop, a sustainable bakery in NYC that focuses on local sustainable ingredients. He a currently developing a new venture, a sustainable bakeshop in Brooklyn. Previously, he helped campuses go green, he was personally trained by Al Gore to be a climate lecturer, and he has studied climate change communication research.
Todd Gitlin joins us for this Festival of Conscience
A professor of journalism and sociology, and chair of the Ph. D. program in communications, at Columbia, and the author of 15 books, including, most recently, Occupy Nation: The Roots, the Spirit, and the Promise of Occupy Wall Street.
Click Here to purchase tickets.
Check out his latest piece - "How to Reverse a Slow-Motion Apocalypse"
Learn more about Todd Gitlin at toddgitlin.net
Follow Gitlin on Twitter @toddgitlin
Oct. 2 - Oct. 26
Thurs-Sat at 8pm, Sun at 3 pm.
Theater for the New City
155 First Ave., between 9th and 10th Sts.
along with a full Festival of Conscience featuring the return of Dr. James Hansen and Dr. Jennifer Francis, plus Andy Revkin's climate music, and many others to be announced.
If you chose tickets as your indiegogo perk, we have your name and will send an email to reserve your date.
Check out the specific events listed for the Festival of Consciences below.
Written & Directed by Karen Malpede, Music by Arthur Rosen, Video by Luba Lukova, Lighting by Tony Giovannetti, Costumes by Sally Ann Parsons, Set by Robert Eggers
Starring: Jeff McCarthy, and George Bartenieff, Tonia Rudi, Alex Tavis and Di Zhu
Feb. 15: Theater Three Collaborative will participate in:
Visions for a Sustainable Future
A Climate Change Symposium
Harnessing the Power of Science, Art and Community
Presented by Sullivan Alliance for Sustainable Development
at the Highland Senior Center, 725 State Route 55 in Eldred NY
A Weather Project collaboration with NACL Theatre
Check back or email us regarding time of event.
We'll be turning to our audience to help bring this important play to full production with the launch of an Indiegogo funding campaign. All donations are welcome and will be rewarded with lots of perks and a great show combined with a Festival of Conscience at the end.
Get a sneak peak into a family divided by the fossil fuel industry as a climate scientist struggles to tell the truth about global warming, his daughter struggles to save the frogs, while his sister wants to frack, with this live reading of excerpts from the upcoming play from the award-winning Three Theatre Collaborative.
When: 7:15 wine reception. 7:45-9:00 live reading and discussion.
Where: Columbia University, Schermerhorn Auditorium, Room 501 (enter building, walk up one flight of stairs and auditorium is directly in front of you) View Campus Map.
Limited seating is available – first come, first served.
For more information on the Human Impacts Institute's Ten Days of Climate, please visit: HumanImpactsInstitute.org/10DaysofClimate.php
Dr. Jennifer Francis, Rutgers University, Arctic Ice Scientist whose theories are presented in the play will speak about this summer's Arctic Ice Melt and dialogue with the audience about anthropomorphic climate change and what we can do.
Check out Jennifer's interview about her work and connection between art and climate science.
We hope you will join us for a reading of an exciting new play, Extreme Whether.
Save the date!
Tuesday, September 10 at 2 pmThe Cherry Lane Theatre
38 Commerce St., NY, NY 10014
RVSP: company@cherrylanetheatre.org or info@theaterthreecollaborative.org